Congress Terms and Conditions Impact Bucharest
§ 1
- „Impact Bucharest” Congress (hereinafter referred to as: „Congress”) is organized by the Impact 360 LLD with its registered seat in Warsaw (zip code 01-793) at Ludwika Rydygiera street no. 11/195, entered into the register of entrepreneurs as well as register of associations, other social and professional associations and independent healthcare facilities under: NIP (tax ID) 5252704312 and REGON 366849507 (hereinafter referred to as: „Organizer”).
- The Congress is intended to be a place where entrepreneurs, members of the scientific community and public officials can come together to exchange views and share experience. It is also meant to be an event where people belonging to the above mentioned groups can familiarize themselves with the newest innovative technologies and latest economic trends.
- The Congress is comprised of various sessions and discussion panels.
- The Congress will take place on 23 – 24 of October 2024 at Face Convention Center, Piața Presei Libere 3-5, București 013701, Romania.
- Only persons that meet the requirements laid down in § 4 Sections 1-4 of these Rules may attend the Congress. The persons attending the event shall be referred to „Participants” (and individually as: „Participant”).
- The Organizer shall make available these rules (hereinafter: „Rules”) which set forth the rights and obligations of the Organizers in connection with the Congress and the rights and obligations of the Participants connected with their participation in the Congress on the event’s website:
- All Participants of the event shall familiarize themselves with the Rules prior to participation and are obligated to comply with these Rules.
- The Organizer shall provide medical security during the Congress and shall take measures for the safety of the Participants.
- The Organizer reserve the right to make decisions regarding the content presented during the Congress – including making changes, expanding and/or limiting any of the elements that make it up. In particular this includes changes to the list of participants and panelists as well as the subjects presented, duration, schedule etc. of the sessions and panels. The Organizer also cannot guarantee that specific people and/or companies participate in the Congress and, likewise, cannot guarantee that specific content is presented during lectures, workshops. The Organizer is also not able to guarantee a Participant that, during the Congress, he/she will be able to acquire specific contacts, knowledge, information or knowhow etc.
- The Organizer reserves the right to place information about selected Participants who will participate in the Congress on the Organizer’s website (Impact website by placing the company name of their organization on the Organizer’s website, under the Congress tab. The Participant has the right to object to the publication on the Organizer’s website, of the given data concerning the company name of his/her organization. The objection can be made by e-mail to: In that case, the Organizer will be obliged to take into account the Objection raised and stop the publication of the indicated data on the website.
- In view of the need to counteract the risk of contracting infectious diseases of any kind, or other similar dangers, the Organizer recommends that Participants follow the Organizer’s procedures and instructions aimed at preventing risks to their life and health.
- In particular, Participants are recommended to:
- wear personal protective equipment, including those covering the nose and mouth – surgical masks;
- use of disinfectants and hygienic agents available at the Congress venue;
- adapt to the so-called social distance, understood as the distance indicated by the Organizer (usually not less than 1.5 to 2 meters) between individual Participants of the Event.
- At the same time, the Participants acknowledge that:
- that in the event of the introduction of generally applicable provisions of law (including acts of local law), or individual administrative decisions, restrictions or prohibition of the Congress, as well as the occurrence of other types of threats to the course of the Congress or its Participants, or other circumstances significantly hindering or preventing the Congress from being held in the originally assumed formula or place or time, the Organizer may be forced to introduce changes, including: restrictions, in its course (including changing its formula to an on-line event), and in extreme cases – even the cancellation of Congress;
- in the event of introducing changes to Sanitary and Epidemiological Safety Procedures resulting from generally applicable provisions of law (including acts of local law), the wording recommendations may change.
- The Organizer shall not be liable for granting of any visas that are required to attend the Congress. Invitations to serve this purpose may be issued upon request but shall not feature any official seal/ stamp/ affidavit from the corresponding authorities.
§ 2
- It is forbidden to bring into the venue of the Congress, as well as for the Participants to have in their possession during the Congress, any kind of dangerous materials, devices, substances, etc., including, but not limited to:
- firearms, including combat, hunting, sporting, gas, alarm and signal guns,
- pneumatic weapons,
- incapacitating gas and other irritant substances throwers,
- edged weapons (e.g. knives, machetes, clubs with metal components, brass knuckles, etc.) and bladed weapons (crossbows, bows),
- electric stun guns,
- explosives, pyrotechnic products and ammunition,
- fire hazardous materials,
- alcoholic beverages, narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances,
- other sharp, heavy, hard, glass or metal devices or objects (including, e.g. umbrellas, shoes, luggage or backpacks, clothing containing hard or heavy elements which may, upon sudden and unexpected contact with the body of another Participant, cause damage to his or her health),
- drones (except for those possibly used by the Organizer or authorized entities).
- A Participant in possession of the objects, devices or materials described in section 1 above letters “a” – “f” and “j” may not enter or stay in the Congress area.
- A Participant in possession of any of the items listed in section 1 must hand them over before entering the Congress venue to a free-of-charge and unguarded depository for the duration of the Congress. The Organizer will not accept for deposit the objects, devices or materials described in section 1 letters “a”-“h” and “j”. The Organizer reserves the right to refuse to accept other items for deposit as well.
- In order to ensure the safety of the Congress Participants, the Organizer may subject the Participants’ clothing and items to an appropriate check using metal detectors or a hand-held metal detector. In the event of a signal from the device or a suspicion of bringing prohibited items, the security officer is authorized to request presentation of metal items and a recheck. If the person does not submit to the check, the security officer or the Organizer shall summon the person to leave the event.
- The relevant public agency may determine its security measures to be implemented during the Congress, mainly in the case of participation of protected persons.
- In the event that it is discovered that items have been brought or transferred into the Congress venue in contravention of the prohibition referred to in section 1 of this paragraph, the Organizer shall have the right to remove such Participant from the Congress venue, unless it is possible to deposit them under the terms of section 3.
- The Organizer provides access to a coat room, for the duration of the Congress. In it outerwear and other clothing items may be stored free of charge. No additional security of the coat room is provided by the Organizer, therefore valuable items should not be stored or deposited there.
- It is forbidden to leave unattended any objects, including luggage or other property. Items left unattended, outside the stand, stage or display, may be removed by the Organizer or the relevant state services and handed over to a third party for safekeeping, at the expense of the person who left the items. Should it be necessary to disrupt the Congress and/or evacuate people, the cost of such action may be charged to the person who left the items.
- Regardless of the other provisions laid out in these Rules the Participants are obligated, during the Congress, to not undertake any activities defined as illegal by generally applicable laws.
- In particular, participants during the Congress, are strictly prohibited from presenting any content that:
- is illegal, or the presentation of which may be illegal;
- violating the rights or personal rights of any third parties;
- violates the legally protected secrets of any third parties, including in particular their trade secrets;
- was acquired by the Participants illegally.
- Regardless of the provisions above, presentation of the following content during the Congress is also prohibited:
- any content that is universally regarded as tasteless and violated generally accepted values – in particular content related to any third parties that potentially makes fun of them, can tarnish their reputation, harms their good name or questions their standing on the market;
- any content that contains violence, pornography, promotes the use of drugs or other illegal substances, promotes illegal activities or gambling.
- The Organizer informs that due to the character of the Congress and its Participants and guests, a security check of all or some Participants may be necessary in order to guarantee their safety. The security check may involve, in particular, checking that the Participant does not bring dangerous or unauthorized objects into the Congress area. Security check requires the Participant’s consent, with the proviso that the Organizer reserves the right not to allow participation in the Congress, as well as to remove from it, persons who refuse or otherwise prevent the security check.
§ 3
- All Congress Participants are obligated to behave in a manner that does not cause any danger to the security of other Participants or other persons remaining on Congress grounds and in particular to comply with the provisions hereof and obey the law and follow the instructions of security personnel and representatives of the Organizer.
- All persons having identification, containing their name and issued by the Organizer, shall be treated as representatives of the Organizer.
- To ensure the security of the Congress, the Organizer shall appoint for the duration thereof a security team as well as their representatives responsible for coordinating and supervising the proceedings of the Congress.
- The Organizer may also refuse both entry and stay (summon to leave the Congress venue) at the Congress to persons whose behavior may pose a danger to other Congress Participants.
- The Congress may be cancelled or suspended at any time if its commencement or continuation creates a threat to the security of its Participants.
- Should a Congress Participant notice any danger to persons or property at the Congress venue, they should:
- immediately notify security or representatives of the Organizer; in urgent situations, in case of serious danger also, the Police and/or emergency services, using the emergency number 112, or:
- Police: 955,
- Fire Brigade: 981,
- Ambulance Service: 961;
- strictly adhere to the instructions of security staff or representatives of the Organizer;
- avoid causing panic;
- absolutely do not obstruct the access and operation of emergency services.
- Youth attendees:
- Youth attendees are not allowed to attend any of our evening events under any circumstance;
- Youth attendees cannot have any account associated with our App and/or website;
- Youth attendees must be registered with their parent(s) and/or guardian’s data. We will not collect personal data from minors;
- Youth attendees will be issued with a wristband only, with no associated personal data;
- Youth attendees are strictly prohibited from consuming alcohol during a Conference and all related events. If a minor is found to be consuming alcohol during a Congress and/or any related event, the tickets from the minor and their parent(s) and/or guardian will be immediately voided and they will not be allowed into the Congress anymore;
- Youth attendees are strictly prohibited from viewing and/or interacting with content that is not appropriate for minors. It is the parent(s) and/or guardian’s responsibility to verify any age restrictions related to content displayed and/or presented during a Congress and all related events;
- Youth attendees are strictly prohibited from celebrating any type of contracts and/or deals with stakeholders during the Congress and all related events;
- Youth attendees shall not provide their personal data for marketing purposes to stakeholders during a Contress and all related events.
§ 4
- Save the exceptions mentioned in Paragraph 2-3 above, the Congress is intended for adult, with full legal capacity.
- Minors aged 13 to 18, as well as persons with limited legal capacity, may participate in the Congress:
- under the care of a statutory representative or another person authorized to care for a given Participant (hereinafter: the „Guardian”) and upon presentation of a declaration signed by the Guardian on the Guardian’s responsibility for the actions or omissions of such a person, or
- upon presentation of a declaration signed by the Guardian on consenting to participation in the Congress by a person who does not have full legal capacity.
- Participation in the Congress is chargeable.
- A condition of participating in the Congress is the purchase of a ticket.
- Information on types of tickets as well as fares, charges etc. will be available here.
- The Organizer is entitled to introduce discounts or other deviations from the standard price conditions for participation in the Event. In particular, the Organizer may introduce promotional conditions for participation in the Event for specific social and professional groups or for tickets distributed through specific sales channels.
- Tickets entitling to participation in the Congress are personal and non-transferable.
- Within 14 days from the date of purchase of the ticket via, buyer may withdraw from the contract. However, the buyer shall not be entitled to withdraw from the contract if the buyer has used the ticket to enter the event before the end of the withdrawal period.
- Withdrawal from the contract referred to in section 9, does not require giving a reason and is done by sending an appropriate message to the e-mail address: The Organizer suggests (but is not required) to use the following message format:
- Message title: Impact Bucharest – ticket return
- Buyer’s name and surname:
- Buyer’s e-mail address:
- Order no.:
- Invoice data (if issued):
- Name, surname, e-mail address of the participant whose ticket is returned:
- Reason for return: (optional)
- In order to meet the deadline for withdrawing from the contract, it is sufficient for the Participant to send information regarding the exercise of his right to withdraw from the contract before the deadline to withdraw from the contract.
- If the Participant withdraws from the ticket purchase contract, the Organizer will return to the Participant all payments received from him in this connection, no later than 14 days from the date on which the Organizer received information that the Participant exercised the right to withdraw from the contract. We will reimburse the payment using the same payment methods that were used by the Participant in the original transaction, unless the Participant expressly agrees to a different solution.
- If it is not possible to participate in the Congress, due to the positive result of the test against infectious disease, the Organizer will return to the Participant all payments received from him. The refund will be made no later than 14 days from the date the Organizer confirms the receipt of a positive test result certificate against infectious disease, issued by a medical unit authorized to perform the tests, sent to the following e-mail address: The reimbursement will be made using the same method of payment as used by the Participant, unless the Participant expressly agrees to a different method of reimbursement.
- The Organizer reserves the right and highlights that due to the technological and organizational conditions as well as epidemic and sanitary requirements, it may be necessary to introduce measures designed to limit the number of people who can directly and at the same time participate in individual elements of the Event (lectures, sessions, speeches, etc…). In particular, the number of seats in individual rooms where elements of the Event will be carried out may be limited, as well as technical solutions may be introduced resulting in the inability of direct participation in a given element of the Event by its participants (e.g. broadcast via large screens, screens, etc.).
- Taking into consideration the fact that tickets and other documents (eg. IDs) entitling you to enter to the onsite event are personal, the participant or other person which have this document – at the Organizer’s request – is obliged to present a document with a photo to confirm their identity.
- By registering and purchasing a ticket for the Congress, the participant acknowledges that his/her personal data: first name, last name, position and the name of the company represented will be published in the mobile application available for Congress participants. The installation and use of the application is not mandatory.
§ 5
- Any complaints, remarks or notions in matters related to the participation in the Congress may be filed within 14 days of the conclusion of the Congress:
- in writing to the following address of the Organiser: Impact 360, Warsaw (zip code 01-793) at Ludwika Rydygiera street no. 11/195;
- via e-mail to:
- The Organizer shall consider any complaint within 14 days of receipt.
- In the unlikely event of cancellation of a Congress, our total aggregate liability to you is limited to the refund of paid fees that remain after credit card and payment processing fees have been incurred and deducted, and we will not be liable to you for any expenditure, damage or loss incurred by you as a result of the cancellation.
§ 6
- With regard to processing of Participants’ data, the Organizer is the Data Controller, in accordance with provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter: the GDPR). The Data Controller has appointed a Data Protection Officer – Ms. Karolina Praszek – Gołębiewska Contact possible via email address:
- The Organiser processes the personal data („Data”) provided by the Participant during the Registration process, i.e.:
- first name, last name;
- e-mail address;
- telephone number;
- type and name of the organization to which the User belongs (e.g. employer, entrepreneur, scientific entity, public authority, etc.);
- industry,
- position/function performed.
- The Organizer will process the indicated personal data in order to enable the Participant’s participation in the Congress pursuant to Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR (execution of the contract for organization of the Congress), pursuant to Article 6(1)(c) of the GDPR (fulfilment of legal obligations related to accounting settlement, issuance of FV and archiving of accounting documents). Provision of data is entirely voluntary, however, failure to do so will lead to impossibility of achieving the indicated purpose of processing (inability to participate in the Congress).
- Additionally, we can process your data only when you give us your additional consent to send commercial communication via telecommunication devices (phone, tablet, computer) and a Newsletter based on Article 6.(1) (a) (consent). We only process the data that we have obtained from you through the registration form.
- The personal data will be processed for the duration of the agreement related to the participation in the Congress, including issues related to the settlement of the participation in the Congress and the period of archiving the accounting and settlement documents or until the expiry of mutual claims arising between the parties.
- Recipients of personal data may be, in particular, entities involved in organization of the Congress. In addition, the data may be transferred/shared with suppliers and subcontractors of services, e.g. entities providing IT services, advisory and consulting entities – such entities process personal data on the basis of a binding agreement and only in accordance with the applicable legal regulations. Personal data will not be transferred to countries outside the European Economic Area. The Data will not be subject to automated profiling.
- The User has the right to access the content of their data and to rectify, erase, restrict processing, the right to data portability, the right to object to processing and the right to withdraw consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of processing carried out prior to withdrawal of consent.
- Should the Data Controller suspect improper processing of the data, the User has the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Data Protection Authority if it is found that the processing of the personal data violates the GDPR.
§ 7
- In the event that the above Rules are violated the Organizer, regardless of the general laws applicable in such an event – has to right to:
- request that the Participant refrain from performing the actions in question;
- require the Participant to leave the Congress;
- not allow the participant to enter Congress grounds.
- The Organizer, at its own discretion, decides to use one or more of the measures referred to in paragraph 1.
§ 8
- The Organizer may record the proceedings of the Congress for the purpose of documentation or advertising and promotional purposes. The Organizer may use such recordings or photographs of its parts, including the images of Participants or other persons remaining on Congress grounds without restriction of time or territory and without payment of remuneration for the use of image in any area of exploitation, including those referred to in Article 50 of the Polish act on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act, in particular through recording, reproduction, trading and distribution, including exhibiting, displaying, playing, broadcasting, re—broadcasting and sharing in a manner allowing anyone access at a chosen time and place.
- Participants are prohibited from recording the content displayed during the Congress or any part of that content, in any form or format, without prior consent of the Organizer.
- Titles in these Rules are made strictly for easier reference and reading.
- The Organizer reserves the right to modify the Rules with seven days’ notice to Participants via e-mail to the e-mail address provided by the Participant upon ticket purchase. In the event of an amendment to these Rules, the Participant has the right to return the ticket within seven days of receipt of the e-mail notifying of the amendment to the Rules.
- These Rules shall enter into force upon publication on 5th of July 2024.
- For these Rules, legal status shall be defined in accordance with Polish Law.
- In any and all matters regulated by these Rules Polish Law shall apply solely.
- The International Sale of Goods (Vienna Convention) does not apply to this document.
- Any and all disputes regarding these Rules, the Organizer and the Event (as well as the Participant’s attendance hereto) shall by governed by the Polish court for the capital city of Warsaw.
- In the event of inconsistencies between various language versions of these Rules, the language used in the English language version shall have binding effect.